Changelog | Page 12

New features, bug fixes, improvements

Change Language


You can now get AI responses in a language of your choice.

Translate Text


Use the Translate button to translate text into different languages.

Export the Exploration as an Image


You can now export the current exploration as an image using the Export button on the Sidebar. Note that currently, you have to manually adjust the settings to have all the nodes visible.

Get a List of Good Questions


Use the Questions button to get a list of good questions to ask to the given input

Poem is now part of the Writing panel


Moved the Poem prompt helper to be part of the Writing panel instead of the Knowledge panel.

User-Defined Prompt Categories


You can now define categories for custom prompts to organize them better.

Annual Pricing


Heuristica now offers discounted annual subscription pricing.

User-Defined Prompts


You can now define your own prompt buttons on the Heuristica interface. This will allow you to personalize your knowledge exploration experience on Heuristica and streamline your workflows better.

Streaming Results


Heuristica now supports streaming results. You will be able to see the results of your queries as soon as they are available compared to waiting for them to be completed, resulting in less waiting time and faster feedback. This means a slight change to the existing workflow, though. Previously, you could simply press a button and get the answer in your exploration. Now, you must press an additional button to add the completed stream result.

Blog Posts and Summaries


You can now easily create blog posts and summaries from selected nodes using the Overview menu. The results are streamed so that you don’t have to wait for the longer text to load. As a result of this change, removed the summarize button on the sidebar since this can now be done better from the Overview menu.