Semantic Scholar Integration
You can now search on Semantic Scholar, add new nodes using Semantic Scholar links, and find Similar/Recommended Papers that are on Semantic Scholar 🎓
You can now search on Semantic Scholar, add new nodes using Semantic Scholar links, and find Similar/Recommended Papers that are on Semantic Scholar 🎓
You can now find similar or recommended papers based on a PubMed paper.
You can now select Romanian in the language menu 🇷🇴
You can now search for current news related to the selected input. This should help you enhance your explorations with more up-to-date information.
You can now use the specialized Medicine Panel to find Medicine-specific prompts. Feel free to reach out if you have suggestions for prompts to be used inside this panel.
You can now start your exploration using YouTube video links. Additionally, you can create summaries and key takeaways from YouTube videos.
Previously, the Summaries and Key Takeaways for arXiv PDF files and Wikipedia pages did not use the user's language choice. This is now fixed.
You can now start your exploration using PubMed links. Additionally, you can search a term for PubMed papers and bring those paper links to the exploration.
Effortlessly create AI-generated flashcards from your learnings.
Click the summarize or key takeaways button inside the Wikipedia text viewer or arXiv pdf viewer to create a text summary or get the key takeaways.