Visual Learning and Research
Using Concept Maps & Mind Maps
Explore complex ideas by visualizing, organizing, and expanding them on an infinite canvas with the help of AI.
Sign up for free and join over 55k+ learners.

Generate Study Materials
Instantly turn your concept maps into flashcards, quizzes, study notes, essays, and more.
Integrate Knowledge Sources
Easily add sources from Wikipedia, arXiv, PubMed, Semantic Scholar, YouTube, news articles, podcasts or PDF files.
Personalize Your Learning
Personalize your experience with custom prompts, interactive chats, and multilingual support.
Generate Study Materials from Concept Maps
- Quickly generate useful outputs from your research or learning.
- Share your insights with others
- Repurpose your concept maps for educational or professional needs.

Access & Integrate Knowledge from Multiple Resources
- Seamlessly gather reliable information from different platforms in one place.
- Enrich your concept maps with multimedia content.
- Save time by skipping manual searches across multiple websites.

Personalize and Interact with Your Concept Maps
- Tailor your experience to match your unique learning or research style.
- Chat with your concept map to deepen your understanding.
- Use the tool in your preferred language for a personalized and accessible experience.

Ready to Visualize, Organize, and Personalize
Your Learning & Research?
Join over 55k+ learners
Not sure where to start?
Check out these concept maps
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