Learning & Research
Made Simpler With AI

AI-powered mind maps and concept maps for visual learning, thinking and research.

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Limitless Exploration, Powered by ChatGPT

Explore all aspects of a subject using artificial intelligence, powered by ChatGPT

AI-Powered Concept Maps

Use a mind map-like interface to visualize, structure, and acquire knowledge

No Prompting. Just Click

Dig deeper into a subject by simply clicking buttons. No need for prompt engineering

Learn Simpler. Learn Better

Superpower your learning with helpers like ELI5 (Explain like I am 5), summarize, elaborate, analogize, etc.

Concept Maps
Powered by AI

Heuristica is an AI-powered concept mapping tool that uses a mind map-like UI to dive deep into a subject by simply pressing buttons. Concept maps, like mind maps, are visual learning tools that make acquiring, visualizing, and organizing knowledge easy. Heuristica is used by thousands of industry professionals, business executives, researchers, and students.

Try it for free with these subjects

Get Depth and Breadth

With Heuristica, you can use concept maps to dive deep into a subject from any domain, such as physics, software development, or business. Quickly build an in-depth understanding by discovering the relationships between concepts and how they relate to each other with the help of AI.

Essential Questions for Exploring Physics

  • - What are the implications of this for our understanding of fundamental physics?
  • - What are the leading experiments and observations that support this?
  • - What analogies or models can help in understanding this for non-specialists?
  • and more...

Find Related References and Papers

Explore the related articles from Wikipedia, papers from arXiv and Semantic Scholar, or abstracts from PubMed to go deeper into your research subject. Generate summaries and key takeaways from articles and research papers.

Search in YouTube, Podcasts, News and Links

You can search for any concept in podcast transcripts, YouTube videos, news articles, and links on the internet. You can then import these resources into your exploration and include them in your concept maps.

Generate Flashcards Using AI

Effortlessly create AI-generated flashcards from your concept maps to study, learn, and retain your knowledge exploration.

From Research to Content

Turn your concept maps into engaging content. Use your learnings and research to create summaries, blog posts, or essays

Learn in Your Own Language!

Generate concept maps in various languages, making knowledge accessible and enjoyable for everyone, everywhere.

Not sure where to start? Check out these concept maps

Ready to up-level your learning and research?
Join over 40k+ learners.